Engaging outcomes from the first WP6 workshop in South Tyrol

In Italy agrivoltaic systems are taking on an increasingly strategic role since the Ministry of Agriculture decreed that in areas defined as agriculture land use by local authorities, it is possible to install photovoltaics only in the form of agrivoltaic systems.

The Unione Coltivatori Diretti Sudtirolesi/Südtiroler Bauernbund, in collaboration with Eurac Research, recently organized a webinar within Symbiosyst, WP6, with over 200 participants, followed by a workshop in Ora/Auer, including working tables on political, socio-economic, technological, environmental aspects and targeted on local and regional stakeholders. The aim was to discuss the current status in South Tyrol and formulate a scenario for the development of agrivoltaic systems in the region by 2040. 63 attendee joined the workshop. Three main outcomes can be reported:

The landscape in South Tyrol has a great economic as well as aesthetic/perceptive value and there is a need for specific criteria for the integration of agrivoltaic systems into the landscape

– agrivoltaics is a technology that must be developed to fully understand its potential and the advantages for the local territory

– it is important to fund pilot and demonstrator projects and to release the first data on which base the assessment

To learn more, a fact sheet on the workshop outcomes will soon be available on the website Results section.

Stay updated on upcoming regional workshop appointments, those initiatives are part of the European Agrivoltaic Cooperation by Symbiosyst.

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