Call for Agri-PV Demo Drivers

SYMBIOSYST Project is an EU funded project for the development of novel agri-PV systems.

The project will innovate by adapting standardized cost-effective solutions in terms of PV modules, mounting structures and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) practices to the specific needs of various crops in different climates and landscapes.

It will find aesthetically pleasing solutions that can be mass manufactured and integrated with the agricultural land in a harmonious way while maintaining the primary goal of farming.

It will aim at obtaining a 2-way optimization where the agri-PV systems can be adapted to climate and crops, but also the culture underneath and the culture method can be adapted to fully benefit from the presence of the PV system.

The ambition is to create a fully integrated solution, from the design to the implementation, a symbiosis where PV and agriculture can have a mutually beneficial relationship.

The Call

SYMBIOSYST project is eager to learn from existing experience, innovate in its demos and transfer the knowledge to others. For this reason, the project opens a special Call for Agri-PV Demo Drivers to:

  • Interested projects in sharing their experiences within the agri-PV sector,
  • Projects that have involved several stakeholders,
  • Best practice to share and promote.

Why to apply

  • Visibility in events where SYMBIOSYST will be presented.
  • An exciting discussion forum.
  • European Cross Cooperation for agri-PV development.

Decision process

At least 10 projects will be selected to enter in the pool of our demo drivers. Results will be communicated by December 2023.

How to apply

Send an email to with a few photos of your project and a short description about what you can share and what you would like to get back from SYMBIOSYST.

Deadline: 17th of November

Download the poster

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