In June 19th and 20th 2023 the first Research Project General Assembly took place hosted by Eurac Research in the awesome NOI Techpark and Laimburg Research Centre in Bolzano/Bozen, in South Tyrol, Italy.
The two days included a field visit and a design workshop in one of the future demo projects sites. This is part of a apple orchard where Laimburg Research Centre conducts data observations and analysis in Ora/Auer, South Tyrol, Italy. It has been a relevant moment for team building since this was the first time partners met in person. Symbiosyst ambitions are high because an agri-PV system is by definition a complex system that makes two different worlds meet: the agriculture and the solar energy ones.
Therefore, partners will make a real effort in sharing knowledge and competences and in Bolzano/Bozen they had a really good start.